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Osamu IKKI
CEO, Principal Analyst
Since the establishment of RTS Corporation in March 1983, Osamu Ikki has been engaged in various researches and consulting services as the CEO of the consulting company specialized in the PV sector covering from silicon material to PV system. He provides consultation services covering mainly supporting establishment of business strategies from the upstream sector to the downstream sector including governmental agencies, municipalities, electric companies, power generation businesses, construction companies, manufacturers of PV cells, modules and systems, as well as financial institutions. He serves as the member of various committees related to PV power generation such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Optoelectronics Industry and Technology Development Association (OITDA), etc. In December 2007, he was awarded the “Special Award” at the International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC). He is devoted to making PV a mainstream power source and developing PV into a social system with his motto as “continuity is the father of success”.
Director, Principal Analyst
Business Development Division
Izumi Kaizuka specializes in analysis of the PV market, policy, industry and business models, and especially has a thorough knowledge of the overseas trends of renewable energy. She serves as the Deputy O.A. and Japan's representative of the Task 1 (Strategic PV Analysis & Outreach) of the International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA PVPS). She is also one of the authors of the “Trends in Photovoltaic Applications” released by IEA PVPS Task 1. She serves as the chairperson of the JEMA PV System Standardization General Committee as well as members of various other committees, and also serves as chairperson of the policy and market areas in the international conferences. In November 2017, she has been awarded the “Special Award” at the International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC). She makes efforts every day aiming to “create a sustainable future with PV power generation”.
Yoshiyuki OHHASHI
Senior Analyst
Senior Technical Executive
Yoshiyuki Ohhashi had been engaged in development/ design of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) at a storage battery and power source manufacturing company, and since 1992, he had been engaged in development, construction and sales, etc. of industrial PV systems. He has worked on expansion of dissemination of industrial PV systems as the Director of Public and Industrial Use Committee of the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA). Ohhashi has been working at RTS Corporation since 2003, and is conducting consultation of technology and business strategy for equipment manufacturers such as power conditioners, EPC businesses and power generation businesses, as well as engaging in publication of the “PV Business Guidelines”, “Simulation of Output Curtailment of PV Power Generation in Japan”, etc. He keeps in mind to provide comprehensive explanation for all his clients.

Representative author of the second edition of “Design and construction of PV Systems” published by Ohmsha

Professional Engineer (Electrical & Electronics Engineering), The Second-Class Electric Works Specialist, Qualified Person for Energy Management, The First-Class Electric Works Execution Manager, Building Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, The First Class Chief Telecommunications Engineer, etc.
Director, Senior Analyst
PV Business Consulting Division
Koichi Sugibuchi conducts consulting for a wide range of fields from upstream to downstream PV sector as a technician who has experiences in the areas covering from manufacturing process of PV cells/ modules to design and construction of PV systems. He is responsible for consultation of research, product development, manufacturing, quality assurance, design and construction, evaluation of electricity generation amount, operation and maintenance (O&M) and manufacturing technology, etc. based on his knowledge cultivated in the field. He provides solutions to his clients with his aspiration that “it is important for the future PV to maintain an even higher level of `safety, security and stability' than today in the long term, and I want to devote myself to its realization.”
Director, Senior Analyst
Research and Analysis Division
Risa Kurihara leads the research analysis of mainly the PV value chain from silicon material to PV module, and is engaged in consulting related to research and development of the upstream sector, manufacturing technology, market, and business trends. She is especially specialized in the analysis of the trends of PV cells, modules and material production volume. She has conducted researches on technology trends of cell structure and materials for a long time in the PV-related research for the governmental ministries and agencies. She is committed to working every day aiming to “solve the climate change issues with technology.”
Group leader, Senior Researcher
Overseas Group, Research and Analysis Division
Kyoko Miyazaki is responsible for delivering the PV trends of Japan to the world, and serves as the chief editor of the monthly English report, “PV Activities in Japan and Global PV Highlights”. She supports overseas companies to expand their business to Japan as well as communication with their Japanese subsidiaries, and conducts translation/ interpretation on various PV-related topics from technical documents to press releases. Furthermore, she is responsible for delivering the information on the global PV trends to Japan. She supports global companies from the perspective of communication that is important for business deployment in Japan with “PV for Everyone” as her motto.
Senior Researcher
PV Business Consulting Division
Haruki Yamaya is the chief editor of the monthly report “Front line of the PV power generation business” (Japanese report) targeted at PV power generation companies. He also conducts research and analysis of the latest trends related to the revision of the feed-in-tariff (FIT) program in Japan and the electricity system reform, and provides timely information. He leads the consulting for power generation businesses and EPC operators. The Database of MW-Scale PV Projects in Japan (in Japanese) that is provided as a part of consulting, is used by suppliers to acquire customers. He provides the latest political trends to his clients with “simple and easy to understand” as his consultation policy.
Senior Researcher
Overseas Group, Research and Analysis Division
Junko Okazaki is responsible for research and analysis of PV dissemination policies and industry trends of countries outside Japan, with specific focus on China. Since China ranks first in terms of both PV production volume and installed capacity globally, the trends of the Chinese PV market have significant impacts on the PV markets not only in China but also in other countries. Under such circumstances, she constantly analyzes the latest trends in China and its impacts on the global PV market, with the passion to deliver the up-to-date information to our clients on a timely basis.
Satsuki KANAI
Senior Researcher
PV Business Consulting Division
Satsuki Kanai is responsible for research and analysis of Photovoltaic power generation systems and PV business, and provides consulting services to power generation businesses and EPC operators. She is in charge of editing the montly report "PV Power Generation Business at the Forefront" (in Japanese, the summary of this report is "PV Activities in Japan and Global PV Highlights" ) and provides the latest trends and developments in the ever-changing PV power generation businessis including "Automatic Analysis Service for Business Plan Approval Information".
Naofumi EZAWA
Senior Researcher
PV Business Consulting Division
Naofumi EZAWA is responsible for research and analysis of Photovoltaic power generation systems and PV business and provides consulting services.
Prior to joining RTS, he contributed to the development of energy-saving equipment at an industrial and commercial electrical equipment manufacturer. Moreover, he played a key role in the planning and development of peripheral equipment associated with photovoltaic power generation facilities. His expertise spans across the intricate systems, regulations, and evolving landscape of the photovoltaic power generation industry, including storage battery facilities.
He was in charge of the “Photovoltaics Business Guide 2024” (in Japanese).

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