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株式会社 資源総合システム


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The RTS Corporation website is operated by RTS Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “RTS”).

Before using RTS website (this Website), please kindly read through the following terms of use of this Website and use the Website only after you agree with the terms of use. Your use of this Website is recognized to be your agreement to the following terms of use of this Website. RTS reserves the right to change the following terms at any time without prior notice. The users are required to comply with the latest terms of use. We would appreciate if you can take this into your consideration in advance.

1. 著作権についてCopyrights
Copyrights related to all the contents of this Website belong to RTS, unless otherwise specified. You cannot copy, transfer, alter, send to the general public or sell all or a part of the Website contents, beyond the scope of the personal use and the like stipulated by law. If you wish to use of the contents and the like of this Website, please contact RTS beforehand.
2. 免責事項Disclaimer
  • (1) 当社は、本ウェブサイトに掲載されている内容について、その正確性、有用性、確実性について保証するものではなく、一切の責任を負わないものといたします。
    RTS shall not provide any guarantee or bear any responsibility whatsoever regarding the accuracy, availability or certainty of the contents of this Website.
  • (2) 当社は、予告なしに、本ウェブサイトの運営を中断または中止、掲載内容を修正、変更、削除する場合がございます。
    RTS reserves the right to suspend or stop the operation of this Website, or amend, modify or delete the contents of this Website without prior notice.
  • (3) 本ウェブサイトに掲載されている情報を利用することで発生したいかなる損害についても当社は責任を負わないものとします。
    RTS shall bear no responsibility for any damage incurred as a result of using any of the information contained in this Website.
  • (4)本ウェブサイトに掲載されている情報の変更及び本ウェブサイトの運用の中断又は中止によって生じるいかなる損害についても当社は責任を負わないものとします。
    RTS shall bear no responsibility for any damage incurred as a result of amendment of the information contained in this Website or the suspension or stop of the operation of this Website.
3. 準拠法及び管轄裁判所Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Establishment, effectiveness, interpretation and implementation of this Website shall be governed by the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court, Tokyo, Japan shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to any lawsuit related to this Website.
4. 個人情報保護方針Privacy Policy
Please refer to RTS Private Policy.

For any inquiries to RTS, please contact the following:

(株)資源総合システム お問い合わせ窓口
東京都中央区八丁堀3-19-2 キューアス八丁堀 第一ビル4階
E-Mail:[email protected]

RTS Corporation Inquiries Desk
Qus Hatchobori Daiichi Bldg. 4F,
3-19-2, Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0032, Japan
E-Mail:[email protected]

Date of enactment: 28 May, 2019


CONTACT お問い合わせ
